When the pull-up on the bar in this manner are loaded mainly biceps hand and forearm, thus, the group of back muscles do not participate in lifting the weight. The only exception is the bottom of the lat.

Muscles Building Solution
Way to pull a mean grip - With pull-ups when the hands are placed on the bar, approximately shoulders width, assumed average grip. This type of grip is traditional, with this method of pull-ups is equally loaded and back and arms.
Wide grip pull-ups - Wide grip is a way of pulling, in which the distance between the hands will be maximized. During the execution of such a grip pull-ups will be loaded mainly latissimus dorsi.

Wide grip pull-ups at the most effective will enfold all fingers on top of the bar - "monkey grip", this method girth crossbar will not load forearm muscles, which in turn will allow the work to focus on the back muscles.

Downloading force gaining weight - Catching up on the bar, exercise may be directed to either muscle strength training on increasing its mass. Each physical exercise, in its structure, divided into two cycles: the positive and negative phases. In the positive phase of the exercise, muscle contraction occurs - bending or straightening arms with the weight pulling and the like.

Negative phase - it's the opposite effect positive phase. But not complete relaxation and controlled work, during which a muscle has to a special kind of load.

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    January 2014

