Many trains and causes weight loss and muscle size, especially in spite of that sound nutrition and exercise sloop always true, and in diversity, it is a charming hidden behind the demolition of the muscles, either in or after exercise?

This magician is a hormone cortisol

As for the definition Cortisol is a steroid hormone secreted from the way glands college and called (the hormone pressure and tension Stress Hormone), given that it increases as a result of tension emotional and physical, and is also responsible for the work of all parts of the body, the lack of or increase this hormone leads to many cases of physical weakness and disease.
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Cortisol and seriousness of the player’s bodybuilding

Causes an increase of cortisol in the body:

Excessive exercise in the gym

Controversy with friends or even with family

Delay on deadline or work

Anxiety and stress in general (for example, exams or an important event or the next or future meals)
Crowds of traffic

Business required for physical exertion


The high temperature

These are the main reasons for increasing the secretion of this hormone in the body to increase the destructive all alone, and in general, the rate of natural cortisol in the body is high in the morning and low at midnight.
Relationship training to increase this hormone

As for his relationship with training and muscle virus causing the collapse of a lot of cortisol in muscle protein, leading to release of amino acids in the bloodstream which is used in order to make liver glucose to provide the body with energy

Due to the increasing seriousness of this hormone in the body destructive must be avoided by all possible ways and always avoid including neurological and anything can cause stress and anxiety and also of the most important ways is to avoid over-training for an hour to an hour and a half and in the end, whenever the ratio of cortisol in the body good, not a little, whenever body on the situation and become destructive in the case of muscle-building
A new study revealed that eating the same lunch every day, in fact, may be an effective strategy for weight loss.
The scientists found the in the United States, that women who ate a lunch consisting of macaroni and cheese every day for a week at the end of it consumed 100 calories less during the 24-hour period.

The researchers suggest, according to British newspaper Daily Mail, that by following this restrictive system on specific foods, and thus less likely to eat more demand.

I have talked to some reports already follow the American star Jennifer Aniston "to Diet boring" during the period of their participation in the famous series Friends, which included eating the same type of power for consecutive years.
Posted readers ask about the best medicines that help to lose weight? What are the side effects associated with ingested? Answer this question, a consultant food and the treatment of obesity, pointing to the seriousness of the intake of drugs to treat obesity, stressing that these drugs do not have any role in weight loss; Free Kyle Leon Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Report

it also leads to a lot of serious side effects affecting the heart and the body exercise for vital functions normally. The only treatment for weight gain is the will and determination, and the willingness of the patient to change his lifestyle and get rid of the wrong types of food, and eating healthy fat-free with the increase in locomotors activity and exercise.

The anxiety and stress and strain resulting from the pressures of life of the main reasons for weight gain, pointing out that the sports and activities that help energy investment as a powerful means of getting rid of excess weight, and pointing to the role of sport in reducing the tension and get relaxed.

The eating meals that contain all the nutrients sound to achieve the benefit of integrated food for the body, and eat more fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and proteins in large quantities, and eating meat moderately and avoid sweets and fats.
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Also asked to stay away from systems that are limited to one type of food, such as meat only or vegetables only, pointing out that such systems lead to health problems, may lead to the return of weight lost after the expiration of the diet, and return improper to obesity, which is difficult to get rid them in that situation
Machine Use heavy weights in training is very important for building the muscles back and chest strong, it helps to increase the size of the muscle through exercises continuous and exhaustion the body significantly,Free Kyle Leon Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Report

 is not required to rehearse on the heavy weights directly, it is better to start with weights right for you, with the increase in weight each short period of time to get the muscles strong and prominent.

Do what you wish
Exercise is not intended as a sense of fatigue and exhaustion and receive commands and implementation, but also aims basically to get the athlete's body and a healthy ways simple and fun,

so I do not mind to do what you wish in the gym from time to time, such as rehearsed on the machine-specific, or reliance on physical exercises only away from the sports machines, each person familiar with his condition enough physical exercises that needs it.

Rest My Personal Blog

Regular rest periods between exercises and sports to each other is very important to stimulate the body's stability, must also maintain a healthy eating constantly, and sleep at least 8 hours a day in the night, so the body can benefit from this long rest periods.
Tips to get the muscles back strong by the quality of training, and rest periods

 Fitness depends on all parts and muscles of the body, cannot interest area without the other, but will suffer from health problems and physical numerous, so you will learn about the training methods and teachings important to get the muscles back strong, and how it can affect the appearance and fitness level of the year for the body.
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The practice of back exercises twice a week
Back exercises can be addressed only twice a week with chest exercises, it is simple and easy and do not take a long time in the gym, preferably divided up into two groups, the first is performed each exercise where from 12 to 15 times with repeated at least twice, and in the ordinary days, can ease the burden a little bit about the muscles of the body by focusing on exercises clouds and Attractions, which must not exceed the number of 3 sessions, with the repetition of each exercise eight times.

The wide grip clouds
Exercise is the Relying your foot right on the ground, and put the other foot on the seat with the alignment of the hand, then you use the weights and dragging them up in a wide circle, which helps to exercise shoulder area
completely and back area, too, must continue in this matter that suffer from lack of the ability to lift the weight again, and are advised to change the situation between the right and left hand every 25 exercise.
Fit for football, basketball and athletics

This exercise helps you to achieve greater speed and movement more agility and flexibility,

Where it is the largest collection of strengthening the muscles of the lower part

The body, it also strengthens the ligaments thighs, legs and buttocks. You can do
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Through this exercise Barakptik kneeling on a pillow in the small time

In which the fellow Exercise constipated Pkahalik to be able to bend

Slowly forward without rely on the hands, and then back again to

The starting point to repeat the exercise

Exercise Hammer (Hammer Swings)

Fit for my sport of boxing and wrestling

There is no better exercise than beating a sledgehammer on a framework for strengthening

The upper part of the body, where the strengthening of the hands, forearms,

Albaaseibes, Turaaseibes, shoulders and back, as these places are
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The source of power for each of the wrestlers and boxers
If you are one of those who engage in sports such as football, basketball, tennis or even wrestling and want to excel, you need to practice  exercises increase strength that make you the best performance in games in which they participate.
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1) Exercise jerk (Power Clean)

Per fit sports, especially jogging

The player in this exercise, lifting weights off the ground first, then

Filed thereafter to top of the head. This exercise helps to strengthen muscles

Holding the hip and thigh, the lower lumbar and abdomen, which in turn helps?

To create a body for outstanding performance in running and the ability to run

For greater distances in less period of time, this qualifies for the competition strong,

Just remember to keep your back is curved while raising the bar from the ground.

2) greatness lethal (Dead lift)
Fit for hockey or football

It is a basic weight lifting exercises and it is strengthening all of the muscles
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The lower back and the muscles around it, such as the legs and abdominal muscles,

It also strengthens the ligaments of the knee. Which helps to build healthy body

Which helps to perfect performance in sports, and in this

Exercise you raise the bar of weights on the ground retains straight back
With your knees bent slightly.

3) Exercise squat Portuguese (Bulgarian Split Squat)

Fit for the sport of tennis, football, basketball

This exercise trains the muscles of the entire body such as the muscles of the lower
The abdomen, pelvis, thighs, hips, buttocks and hamstrings.

It strengthens the shoulders and arms. This exercise helps to jump
Aloft and sprinting faster, which is the basic things for the exercise ball
Basketball and football.

can be addressed for this training at the end of the session, each What you have to do is stand in a reverse in front of the wheels and start dragging your arms while keeping your back straight and lowered the knees and thighs,

preferably as a elbows inclination angle by 45 degrees in order to avoid injuries or conditions erroneous.
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Use Pulley in the gym to strengthen the muscles of the upper body by dragging them in landscape mode tilted up, specifically in the direction of your head,

you'll find it difficult to implement this training in the beginning, but with repetition will be able to terminate it efficiently, and increase the loads later.
exercise easier and faster, which is used by most of the representatives of Hollywood, all you have to do is to use dumbbells to strengthen the muscles of the forearms by pressing on them as much as possible, for example, can start the implementation of the exercise 50 times that cause you stress completely, then rest for a while and came back to repeat it again, you will feel severe pain in the beginning, but with time you will be able to implement more than one group in a short time, and more importantly, that muscle vertical will increase its size significantly.
If you nerds fitness workouts sports, and want to get a perfect body macho ways simple and inexpensive for the time or effort, Vsasark identify the simplest exercises and most efficient in amplifying the muscles of the body.My Blog Here Kyle Leon Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

Exercise I - THE SHRUG
can perform this exercise using dumbbells, or banner Olympic used in formal sessions, or anything else with a heavy weight, and you can control it easily so as not to suffer or suffered any injury potential during training, then you’re standing in an upright position, and start to lift the weight to top with trying to stability in your place, and repeat this process from 8 to 10 times consecutively before the break.

This helps to exercise in the concentration of effort on muscle triglycerides and enlarge it in a short time.

exercise similar to weight lifting, where you have to stand in an upright position and raise the banner bearing weights up carefully and slow, at first you'll need to drop a little bit down to the that up banner to the top of
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the knee, then you need to focus heavily and use the thighs and shoulders to raise the banner to the highest extent possible, to be up to your chest, and then it can return to its place again using the hips and legs to absorb the shock


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    January 2014

