What is the darkening of the eye ?

According to the inability of the eye from the front of the instant case . In this way, the patient's visual impairment is a disorder of living , but this is a temporary situation.

Darkening of the eye may be a sign of more serious ailments , such as may occur in a very humble way . More than one or two times a routine eye qaralmalarını should never be ignored .

If you continue to browse qaralmanız constant nausea and gicəllənməsini in particular , as well as the need to bring a physician gorunməniz . In the case of persistent eye qaralmaları verilməməkdədir sometimes . I did on a pressure drop may be temporary situations , but it can be a sign of a very important concern .

When complaints about the darkening of the eyes when you go to a specialist doctor examined the man , while the others expressed concern about the need to look at whether edilərinin . Even then you may want to brain MRI . The darkening of the eye brings with it problems that may occur in the brain .

Causes darkening of the eye ?

Darkening of the eye with a decrease in blood pressure may be

With the rise of pressure in the eye can be darkening .

Darkening of the eye with the rise of sugar can be

Darkening of the eye with a decrease in blood sugar may occur.

Place of residence , while the normal pressure suddenly wake up and look at the darkening asagılıqlarında pressure can be generated .

Some types of stomach bleeding may be eyes darkening .

Keep an eye on the darkening increases can occur .

Qaralmaları the eye may occur in hot environments

Excessive sweat loss can be an eye qaralmaları

Darkening of the eye conditions such as diarrhea , loss of too much water may occur.

Vomiting , darkening of the eye can occur .

Stressful environments, people can keep an eye darkening

Psychological problems of the eyes, darkening of the people can live

Darkening of the eye can occur when bad news .

Serious side effects of drugs used in the darkening of the eye can occur .

Darkening of the eye , which may be a sign of illness ?

The darkening of the eye diseases of the stomach with nausea may be present .

As a stomach ulcer or gastritis may be due to the darkening of eye diseases .

Gastrointestinal bleeding can occur during the darkening of the eye

Pressure may be a sign of disease

Sugar can be a sign of disease

Vertigo related to the so-called inner ear disease , also known as balance problems, can occur in the eye, darkening

Tumors of the brain or brain veins can cause symptoms such as darkening of eye -related diseases .

Migraine disease, the symptoms can be seen in parallel with the darkening of the eye .

In parallel with the darkening of the eyes are a sign of food poisoning .

Darkening of eye diseases such as diarrhea a sign of the beginning of the show .

 or heart rhythm disorders that are associated with the darkening of the eye can be seen as a sign of concerns .

This is a very rare kind of symptoms , including changes in the environment caused by the carnal eye qaralmaları the residence livable and sustainable qaralmalardirsa can always consult your doctor

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    January 2014

